Live Crabs - Fresh Seafood - Soft Shell Crabs - Groceries -Short Order - Beer and more


Welcome.............Come visit our NEW STORE shown above

Louis Albany , Proprietor
439 Keans Neck Road
Dale ,SC 29914 - Phone 843-846-2560
World Wide Address:

We stock a complete line of groceries for your convenience . We also have a many other items available such as:




Marine products







Short Order and Lunches

We have a complete lunch and grill
for your convenience . Lunches are cooked fresh everyday using local produce and the freshest meats available. Items available include:

BBQ Ribs

BBQ Chicken


Red Rice

Fried Chicken


Mac & Cheese

Fish & Shrimp

 Soft Shell Crabs

Burgers-Hot Dogs

Pork Chops

and more

You can ONLY find fresher seafood than ours:

Our History

Keyserling’s Store

Keyserling’s Store at Dale was a local landmark. Established during the days of phosphate mining in the Dale community, it operated as a post office and company store. It sold food staples (grits, bacon, sugar, coffee, etc.) and boots, shovels, hoes and chicken feed. There was also a vibrant credit business that enabled customers to purchase goods on time and pay back with interest.

The locals referred to it as Kosoleen Sto. It is rumored that an old gent who patronized the store was heard to say “They been tree ting what gwine burn you, dat bee gasoleen, keroseen, and Kosoleen”.

Mayor Billy and I still joke about that one. In later years the store was operated by Mr. Louis Albany who is famous in the region for his bone-in pork-chop sandwich. I’ve had the pleasure of many before and after a woodland adventure and recommend this epicurean delight to those who like down-home grub. Louis Albany now has a new modern store located next to the old one.***

According to Mr. Albany , other owners were Benton Glover and Mr Smith . Behind the store is "THE WHOPPER TABLE" shown in one of the slides on the right. We believe that some of the Biggest Whopper Stories have been told around this table. If you have a bigger or better whopper, come tell it

*** Reprinted from the Beaufort Tribune

Below is the "OLD STORE" with a new touch

Map to Albany General Store

Questions and comments directed to:
Tom Barber,webmaster